How to Import Yahoo Mail to Gmail ?

Recently, we have noticed that many questions about how to import Yahoo mail to Gmail are wide spreading on the internet. We sought to found out why people asked such questions and needed an urgent solution. There, we found one of the queries on the internet, including a good reason to forward Yahoo messages to Gmail.
“Hello, I am currently using a yahoo account to send and receive emails with my client and colleague. These emails contain very valuable information related to my work. Now, that the storage of the Yahoo account is almost full, I am unable to receive new emails. I want to import all my Yahoo mail to Gmail so that I can receive new mails, and at the same time, I can preserve the entire old Yahoo mails to some other account. The question arises here. Is there an easy way to import data into my Gmail account? Because Yahoo doesn’t allow me to do that, kindly prove me a solution. Thank you”
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We have described this query because it is now easier to relate issues. To overcome this whole situation and perform this task very easily, we offer you a great solution here. With this solution, you can easily import Yahoo mail to Gmail.
4n6 EmailBakup application for a quick solution
This application is the only solution that can overcome the problem. With this tool, you can easily save Yahoo mail to Gmail. One of the great advantages of this tool is that it stores the data in new account as same as it was in the old account. It doesn’t manipulate the files while importing.
This tool contains only a few steps that you need to follow to import Yahoo mail to Gmail. Here are the simplest steps to make your task easier:
1 – Download and install the application on your computer.
2 – After running the application, click on the Open tab.
3 – Add your Yahoo account credentials and IMAP server(
4 – Once you add account, the tool start analysing folders which will be then displayed on the left panel.
5 – Go to the Export tab and select Gmail as email services.
6 – Select the folders that you want to import to Gmail.
7 – Enter your backup email address and password.
8 – Click on the Save button visible on the right panel.
We explained the step-by-step process. By following these steps, you can easily import Yahoo mail into Gmail. So if you start using the tool and face problems, you can easily get help from this article.
Now that you understand the process, you need to know what you can do with this tool. This tool is considered valuable if it offers many other benefits. Let’s take a look at the features of this tool.
Advantages of the tool to import Yahoo mail into Gmail
Ease of use: The tool is very valuable because it makes it easy to perform tasks. This tool has been developed equally for all users. No technical knowledge is required to import Yahoo mails to Gmail. When you start using this tool, you will find the simplest user interface.
Bulk Import: This tool is very useful when you want to import emails all at once. You can select all the required number of folders. There are no restrictions on importing folders, such as saving only your Inbox or Outbox. You can also send the created folder. Therefore, use this tool without any restrictions or hassles.
Search for particular email: There can be a case, in which you are required with emails from a particular person. In this situation, you can use this application. All you need to do is go to search option and enter the email address of that person. This tool then filters all emails of that specific email address. You can also search for emails with a specific date.
Email preview: You can use this tool to preview your email. This feature allows you to open an email and see if that contains some valuable information. You can also check if the attachments are included in it.
The wrap-up
This article contains a complete solution on how to import Yahoo mail into Gmail. We did our best to assist our customers at each stage of the process. If you still have problems or need help, please feel free to contact us. If you find this article valuable to you, kindly share it with your friends and colleagues facing such issues, please give us a suggestion. Thank you very much. Goodbye.