How to Easily Convert OLM to PDF?

Having trouble opening OLM files on Windows? Well, OLM files can only be accessed through Outlook for Mac, otherwise there is no way. So if you need a more convenient way to easily access these files, you need to convert them to PDF. And this article is about to offer you a way to convert OLM to PDF.
The request from many users has commended us to write a blog on the subject. And it is necessary to get them out of this situation with the most suitable solution.
Let’s take a reference to one of the queries to understand the situation
Such a situation make you convert OLM files to PDF files. And why PDF files?
- PDF files are easily accessible using any standard application on your device
- You do not need a network connection to view these files.
- These are perfect to carry a lot of data in and to manage all data in an organized way.
Hence, choosing PDF for OLM file conversion can be a wise decision. Now the question arises whether it is really possible to solve this complicated task. And the answer is yes. Check the solution to accomplish the task.
A Perfect Solution to Convert OLM to PDF Files
4n6 Email Converter is the only possible way to do and achieve this goal more conveniently. Since there is no manual method that you can use to convert OLM to PDF easily, an alternative application is therefore the only way to enable this conversion.
The OLM converter is the reliable and automated application that can convert the OLM files at once regardless of their size. Therefore, if the task is really important then you need to try the tool.
Why this application? This is because of the benefits you can get with it. With its features, you can easily convert OLM to PDF. Take a look at some of the highlighted features to learn a little about the application.
Check Out Some Features of the Tool
- The OLM converter has a user-friendly interface for users convenience
- Convert any number of OLM files simultaneously in a single process
- The application saves the resulting files in your desired location
- Attachments are also saved in the PDF files during the conversion
- This application allows you to preview the OLM files to check them
- The tool maintains the integrity of all emails during conversion
- OLM converter is compatible with all Windows versions.
All of these features make your trip more enjoyable. Other than that, just a small process of converting OLM to PDF is the best quality of the tool as it doesn’t take much time. So read through the full guide to familiarize yourself with the process.
Process for converting OLM to PDF
- Download the OLM converter on the Windows supported device by tapping the given link
- Now install the application by enabling the “Yes, I agree” option. And when the setup is complete, Launch the application
- Now, first click the open tab, then click Email Data Files to select Outlook for Mac OLM Files.
- Now select the OLM folders from the device and start loading them into the tool
- You will then see that all selected OLMs have been loaded in the left pane of the tool. Here you can preview the OLM files if you want
- Now click on the Export tab and then select Document files as PDF
- Click the Browse button to select the desired location to save the resulting files and then click the Save button
Congratulations! Your OLM file will be converted to PDF in a few moments.
Some FAQs
Can I use this tool to convert OLM to PDF on a Mac device?
No, this app does not yet support Run on Mac. But yes, you can use this on Windows
Is this tool limited to any size of data while converting the files?
No, only a demo version is limited to converting 10 items from each folder. However, when you buy a license key, there are no restrictions.
Do I need to install another application with it to convert OLM to PDF?
No, this OLM converter is stand-alone and does not require any other configuration.
In Conclusion
You cannot open OLM files without a supported application. And when you need to convert them to PDF for better access to Windows devices, the OLM converter is best as it gives you the ease you need to get the job done more conveniently. For better experience and easy OLM to PDF conversion, it is recommended to try the suggested tool.